
Case Number: 2-010 (Fundal Event)

Object-Event Class: Chorenn

Description of Object-Event:

A (Fundal Event) is an abnormal event occurring during the time between classes, which leads to what has been identified as the "clogged hall effect."  A Fundal Event happens in all hallways of the school, as well the Mall. (Fundals) have occurred most school years, though the 2019-20 school year seems to have an above average amount of occurrences.  A (Fundal) causes students to walk very slowly, resulting in a clogged hallway.  No known explanations as to why (Fundals) occur has been discovered. The Dipin Laboratory has performed various experiments and they have determined that a (Fundal) is in fact a living thing, though exactly what kind of living thing, and how it controls the speed of students, is not known.

Special Containment Procedures:

There are many Fundals loose in the school.  However, in 2009 one was captured and is contained in a workroom off of D-wing. Special access is required to view this Fundal.