1-009 (Clones)

Case Number: 1-009 (Clones)

Classification Level: Chorenn 

Description of Object-Event:

In 1983, suspicions of apparent clones arose at the school. Students claimed to see versions of their teachers with altered personality and physical traits. Though this was dismissed at the time as a mere alteration in behavior, reports of clones continued throughout the years. By 1996, there were no longer only clones of teachers; reports of cloned students were made frequently. The reports of these clones have always been similar: the clones take on the polar opposite personality of the individual from which they were cloned. These clones typically bear a slight physical difference from their counterpart (such as a differing hairstyle), and are not noticeable to those lacking a trained eye. Their first names, for an unknown reason, are identical to that of their counterpart, except for the addition of the letter N. In the 2018-2019 school year alone, tens of clones have been reported, such as: Natthew Valentine, Nericka [REDACTED], Namya [REDACTED], Nadam Graham, Nacquelyn [REDACTED], Nanh [REDACTED], Neven Frump and Nett Patterson. 

Special Containment Procedure: 

These clones have yet to display hostile intentions. Instead, they merely cause confusion amongst the school's inhabitants. Occasionally, clones such as Natthew Valentine do display a considerable increase in irritability as opposed to their counterparts, which some may find offensive. Nevertheless, this irritability poses no threat and does not cause for the necessity of the containment of these clones; especially because no source of said clones has been discovered.