Case Number: 1-007 (Transitioning Printer-Room)
Classification Level: Chorenn
Description of Object-Event:
(Transitioning Printer-Room) has been labeled as such due to its non-placement in physical spaces. It has been sighted behind the Media Center and atop REDACTED at the exact same point in time. Agents 4h and 7f have noted its inability to actually print anything, rather it jitters and pushes out blank papers. It causes immediate confusion and dislocation once encountered by any person, be it student or faculty; Agent 7f and the Council of Tyber have noted multiple events where students have been reported to have been found crying in bathroom stalls. The Council and Agent 7f have decided that (Transitioning Print-Room) must be contained, but due to the sporadic spatio-temporal nature capture may be impossible.
Special Containment Procedures:
No sustainable method of capture has been found to be effective in maintain the (Transitioning Printer-Room)