1-005 (Library Two)

Case Number: 1-005 (Library Two)

Classification Level:  X

Description of Object-Event

(Library Two) is a secret library on the campus.  The books* of (Library Two) are spread throughout the school and stored in different locations to make sure that they are not confiscated if (Library Two) is discovered and shut down by those opposed to its existence.  The only person who knows the location of all of (Library Two)’s books is S.y.Traz (see case file 1-006: S.y.Traz). The books (and media objects) contained in (Library Two) are said to be works of experimental fiction, plays, and poetry (for example, soundless poems and microdramas), revolutionary writings against standardized testing and grades, manuals on student revolts and student organizations, alternative histories of the school and the world, secret maps to the grounds of the school, etc.  The process of “checking out” a book from Library Two is unknown. 

Special Containment Procedures:

(Library Two) is contained in various unknown locations, though over the decades some locations have been discovered and revealed: 
  • In 2004, Locker # 978 was discovered to contain 16 secret books (all of which dealt with organizing a student revolt group, which was to be a second Student Government)
  • In 2010, several secret (Library Two) books were discovered shelved in-between official books in the Media Center
  • In 2011, a trash can in the Mall, was discovered to contain a secret storage compartment on its bottom which contained two secret books of experimental poetry.

While most of the locations are unknown to all but S.y.Traz, it is postulated that there are at least 50 locations scattered across the campus, as well as three catalogs of the books, though the catalogs themselves are not whole, but rather a fragments. 

*Library Two contains not only books, but also audio files, video files, and physical artifacts,