1-004 (The Shoe)

Case Number: 1-004 (The Shoe)

Classification Level: Toximble

Description of Object-Event:
(The Shoe) first appeared in school year 2015-16.  Although its true origins are unknown, several E.x.Argus internal committees have concluded that the place of its origins have disappeared.  Use of Object S-076 to track its space-time location have proven fruitless, with object S-076 displaying signs of fear.  Because of this (The Shoe) is theorized to have space-time manipulating properties.  E.x.Argus files occasionally surface detailing sightings of (The Shoe) as early as 3,000 year ago.  

Special Containment Procedures:

As of the April 2019 (The Shoe) is currently contained Room A-5, at the base of the American flag.  (The Shoe) should receive routine praise every morning from 7:20-7:21.  All other forms of containment have failed.  It is thought that this praise pleases (The Shoes) and keeps it in a constant space and time.