1-001 (The Pencil)

Case Number:  1-001 (The Pencil)

Object-Event Class: Safe

Description of Object-Event: 

(The Pencil) was first noticed in room L-1 in 1987.  It appears to be an ordinary used pencil approximately 3-inches long. (The Pencil) has two distinct features: a “Z” shaped indentation in the ferrule (the metal piece holding the eraser), and a shallow bite mark made by an unknown source, though the source is non-human.  It is through these unique, individual markings that (The Pencil) has been identified as the same pencil over the course of decades.  Sightings of the (The Pencil) occur sporadically but routinely.  Known sightings include: 
  • L-1, 1987 (original recorded sighting)
  • G-3, 1987
  • K-9, 1992
  • A-5, 1996
  • Media Center, 1996
  • J-1, 2000
  • J-1, 2003
  • L-9, 2009
  • A-2, 2012 (Contained)
  • Media Center 2018
How (The Pencil) moves between locations is not known. 

Special Containment Procedures:

In 2012, (The Pencil) was seen in Room A-2.  At this time it was captured and contained in Locker #1397.  Agent “Florence Du Buut” began a series of experiments upon (The Pencil).  At some point between Dec 12-14, (The Pencil) was released by unknown persons back into the school.  It is believed that organizations opposed to the mission of E.x.Argus are responsible for the release.  Such speculation is being investigated by the Phoenix Committee.